About Me

Hello, reader! This is my website on types of chromatography for both biochemistry and physical chemistry. I am currently a student at the University of Alabama studying chemistry and love every moment of it. I am partial to organic chemistry and wish to further my knowledge and practice of it once I graduate. I am also applying to pharmacy school in the hopes of becoming either a transplant or oncology pharmacist.

I bar tend full-time at a nice restaurant that I have been working at for almost four years now. I really enjoy bar tending, I have met so many great people and have made many connections through this job. I think it is important for everyone to work in the service industry at some point in their life, it builds character working with the public. I do not have many hobbies, though, because I work full-time and go to school full-time.

On the occasions that I do have some free time, I enjoy reading. I love murder mysteries and Stephen King novels. I also love watching murder mysteries on Investigation Discover. I have decided that if I do not get into pharmacy school, I want to do forensics to solve homicide cases, and I think that is why I like those shows so much. And that is pretty much all their is to know about me. Thanks for visiting 🙂


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Types of Chromatography for Biochemistry and Physical Chemistry